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Tìm hiểu thêm. He led them around beaver ponds protected by almost impenetrable alder queaches, warning that the narrow pathways were moose runs. They passed through wet country. Hollows brimmed with tea-colored rainwater.
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Through lowland thickets, alder and scrub willow, broken By deer runs they followed as best they could. They had Fought those queaches and many deadfalls, taxing their Young muscles to the limit. Each had climbed within as Much as without, clear-cutting a wilderness inside, each In his own way. They had carried backpacks filled with Näytä niiden ihmisten profiilit, joiden nimi on Alder Wallace. Liity Facebookiin ja pidä yhteyttä käyttäjän Alder Wallace ja muiden tuttujesi kanssa. queach (plural queaches) A thick, bushy plot; a thicket. 1567, Arthur Golding, Ovid's Metamorphoses: the first booke (lines 137-8) Men gan to shroud themselves in house.
beaver ponds protected by almost impenetrable alder queaches, warning that the narrow pathways were moose runs. They passed through wet country. Hollows brimmed with tea-colored rainwater.
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The quaking sphagnum, punctuated with pitcher plants, sucked at every step. The descriptions of primeval wilderness evoke the magnitude of what will be destroyed: the forest with its “many edges, like a lace altarpiece,” and the “moody darkness” of its depths, and the clearings “where even the sunlight was green,” and the river so filled with fish that it “seemed made of hard muscle,” and the beaver dams surrounded by “almost impenetrable alder queaches,” and the “quaking sphagnum, punctuated with pitcher plants,” and “the smell of cold Through lowland thickets, alder and scrub willow, broken By deer runs they followed as best they could. They had Fought those queaches and many deadfalls, taxing their Young muscles to the limit. Each had climbed within as Much as without, clear-cutting a wilderness inside, each In his own way. They had carried backpacks filled with She writes of 'impenetrable alder queaches' of 'quaking sphagnum, punctuated with pitcher plants'.
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Quiche (udtale: [ˈkiːʃ]?) er i fransk madlavning en ovnbagt ret af æg og mælk eller fløde i en dejskorpe.Dejskallen kan bages, før de andre ingredienser tilsættes. Through lowland thickets, alder and scrub willow, broken By deer runs they followed as best they could.
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